Evoked Potentials
Evoked potentials non-invasively measure the electrical signals generated in certain areas of the brain in response to specific stimuli, such as visual or auditory signals. Evoked potentials record how quickly and completely the nerve signals reach the brain. These tests are used to evaluate the integrity and function of your sensory pathways, helping diagnose conditions like vision or hearing loss and nerve damage. They can help evaluate nerve damage in conditions like spinal cord injuries or peripheral neuropathy and can also be useful to diagnose multiple sclerosis (MS) and other neurological disorders. The testing is painless and can last up to 1 hour.
Ask your doctor for an evoked potentials test if you have concerns about memory problems, or have experienced visual disturbances, hearing loss, numbness or tingling, or suspected central nervous system disorders.
In order for LifeSciences to proceed with Evoked Potential Test, please call 877-797-5433 or email